Sam's Adventure in the Lava Tube Chamber

Once upon a time, there was a spelunker named Sam who loved to explore underground caves. One day, while scuba diving, he discovered a mysterious lava tube formation. As he swam through the dark waters, he came across a chamber filled with beautiful drapery and glittering stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Suddenly, the drapery began to collapse and Sam panicked. He quickly swam to the nearest column for safety, but then heard a loud rumble. To his surprise, the column started to grow into a giant stalagmite, lifting him high into the air! Sam held on tight as the stalagmite took him on a wild ride through the chamber, twisting and turning through the draperies and stalactites. Finally, the stalagmite deposited him safely back on the cave floor. From then on, Sam always made sure to watch his step when exploring underground caves. The end.


  1. What was the spelunker's name?
  2. Why was he exploring the underground cave?
  3. What happened when the drapery collapsed?
  4. How did the stalagmite help Sam?
  5. What did Sam learn from his adventure?

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