Max's Memorable Detour: A Tale of Overcoming Depression

Once upon a time, there was a tweed-wearing carriage driver named Max who lived in a quaint villa. One day, while on a detour, Max stumbled upon a memoir that belonged to a colleague of his. As he read through the pages he realized that his colleague was suffering from depression, though it was only vaguely described in the book.

Max had an idea to cheer up his friend and decided to turn his colleague’s depression into an adventure. He gathered all of his friends and together they went on a wild and exciting journey filled with laughter, joy and good memories.

In the end, Max's colleague was no longer depressed and wrote a new memoir filled with happy moments. They all lived happily ever after. The end.


  • How do you think Max’s colleague feels about his depression before he goes on the journey with Max?
  • What does Max do to help his colleague overcome his depression?
  • How does the journey change the colleague's life?
  • What can we learn from this story about overcoming depression and helping others?

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