Duke and the Dude's Rodeo Adventure

Once upon a time, in a small province, there was a draft horse named Duke. He loved to participate in rodeos and show off his strength in exhibitions. One day, he was asked to give a demonstration at the grandstand in front of thousands of spectators. He was so excited! He put on his favorite moccasins and took the reins. Suddenly, a dude appeared and asked if he could ride Duke during the demonstration. Duke agreed and the dude jumped on his back. The rodeo began and Duke started showing off his moves, but the dude was not a very good rider. He kept falling off and the audience was laughing. But Duke didn't mind, he continued to carry the dude and make everyone laugh. In the end, both Duke and the dude received a standing ovation from the crowd. From that day on, they performed together in every rodeo and became the most entertaining act in the province.


  1. Who was Duke?
  2. What did Duke love to do in rodeos?
  3. Who wanted to ride Duke during the demonstration?
  4. How did the audience react to Duke and the Dude's performance?
  5. Why did Duke and the Dude become famous in their province?

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