The Mesmerizing Journey with the Magic Burro

Once upon a time in a mesmerizing land, a prospector named Jack roamed the ridge in search of treasure. He carried his trusty binoculars and a canteen filled with water. Suddenly, he saw a burro emerge from behind a rock. The burro was wearing a hat and a big grin on its face. Jack cringed when he saw the burro but then realized it was no ordinary burro. It was a magical burro who could talk!
"Hello there, prospector," said the burro. "I am here to guide you on your journey to find treasure." Jack was amazed and followed the burro deep into the ridge. They soon came across a glittering cave with a door made of gold. The burro handed Jack a key and told him to open the door. Jack put the key in the lock and turned it. To his surprise, he found a room full of treasure! He thanked the burro and promised to share the treasure with his friends. The burro smiled and disappeared into thin air, leaving Jack with a lifetime of riches.
The end.


  1. How did Jack feel when he first saw the burro?
  2. What did the burro give Jack?
  3. Why do you think the burro disappeared at the end of the story?
  4. If you were Jack, what would you have done with the treasure?
  5. Can you think of other things the magical burro could have helped Jack find?

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