The Adventures of Spotty the Sunspot

Once upon a time, there was a sunspot named Spotty. Spotty loved to cause thermonuclear reactions and solar flares on the sun's surface. One day, Spotty decided to go on an adventure and explore beyond his orbit.
He traveled through space, absorbing all sorts of radiation, until he came across a planet that was powered by solar cells. Spotty was fascinated by how the solar cells converted the sun's ultraviolet waves into energy.
But then, Spotty realized that his love for causing thermonuclear reactions was destroying the planet's source of power. So, he decided to use his powers for good and started fusion with the matter on the planet to create more solar cells.
From then on, Spotty became known as the friendly sunspot, helping to bring light and energy to countless planets in the universe.
The end.


  1. What did Spotty like to do on the sun's surface?
  2. Where did Spotty go on his adventure?
  3. What did Spotty do when he found a planet powered by solar cells?
  4. How did people on the planets react to Spotty's actions?
  5. How is the energy produced on the planets after Spotty's visit?

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