Vesuvius and Caldera's Volcanic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a volcano named Vesuvius. He lived on an island and was very proud of his big hill-shaped body and fiery personality. He loved to accumulate cinders and magma inside him and show off his power by billowing smoke and ash.
One day, he heard about a new friend, Caldera, who had a pretty caldera (crater) on her head. Vesuvius couldn't wait to meet her and invited her over for a visit.
When Caldera arrived, she was greeted by a big vent in Vesuvius' side that let out puffs of steam. She was amazed and asked Vesuvius if he was active or dormant. Vesuvius chuckled and said "I am dormant, but I can be active anytime."
Caldera was not afraid and decided to take a closer look. She climbed up to the top of Vesuvius and peered down into his crater. Suddenly, there was a loud rumble, and Vesuvius erupted! Caldera was covered in debris as she tumbled down the slope.
But she wasn't hurt, just a little dusty. And as she looked back up at Vesuvius, she saw that he was laughing so hard that he was shaking. It turned out that Vesuvius was just playing a prank on her.
From that day on, Vesuvius and Caldera became the best of friends and had many more fun adventures together. The end.


  1. Why did Vesuvius accumulate cinders and magma inside him?
  2. Was Caldera afraid of Vesuvius when she first met him?
  3. What happened when Caldera climbed to the top of Vesuvius?
  4. Was Vesuvius active or dormant?
  5. How did Vesuvius and Caldera become friends in the end?

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