The Arctic Island Adventure: A Tale of Cooperation and Purpose

Once upon a time in the Arctic region, there was a remote island where all kinds of animals lived together in cooperation. One day, the animals found out about the evidence of petroleum and minerals beneath their land. This led to an international dispute between the animals on the island as each species had its own purpose for wanting the resources. However, they soon realized that by working together they could find a solution that would benefit them all. In the end, they created a plan to extract the resources in a way that would preserve the land and its inhabitants for generations to come. The end.


  1. Why did the animals on the remote island have a dispute over the petroleum and minerals?
  2. How did the animals resolve the dispute and work together?
  3. What was the purpose of the plan they created for extracting the resources?
  4. Can you think of a time when you had to work with others to solve a problem?

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