The Picket for Justice: A Magical Kingdom Tale

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, all the animals held an election to choose their leader. All the animals were considering who would be the best candidate. They wanted someone who would allow everyone to contribute to the kingdom and fight against any injustices.

One day, a group of clever rabbits organized a picket to protest against the injustice they faced. They carried signs that read "Consider our rights!", "Amend the Constitution!" and "We demand change!" The movement gained traction and soon, all the animals joined the picket.

The king, who was in charge of organizing the election, was so impressed by the animals' passion and commitment to justice that he decided to take action. He called for a meeting with all the animals and together, they worked on a document that would amend the Constitution and ensure fairness for all.

And that's how the animals of the kingdom learned the importance of coming together to fight against injustice and make a positive change. They lived happily ever after.


  1. What inspired the rabbits to organize a picket?
  2. Why did the other animals join the movement?
  3. What did the king do to help the animals achieve their goal?
  4. Why was it important for the Constitution to be amended?
  5. How did the story show the power of coming together to fight against injustice?

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