The Blacksmith and the Lost Crest

Once upon a time in a kingdom, there was a blacksmith named Buster who lived in a small village. One day, an immigrant ship arrived, and everyone was in a bustle to see what they brought. However, when they opened the hatches, they found only a yardarm, a mast, and a stern of a ship. The villagers were confused, but then they noticed that the immigrant was frantically searching for something.

Turns out, the immigrant was a prince from a faraway kingdom where famine had struck, and he was searching for a magical crest that would save his people. He heard that the blacksmith in this village was the best in the kingdom and asked for his help.

Buster agreed to help, and together, they went to the rafters of the blacksmith's shop to search for the crest. They searched and searched, but it seemed like the crest was nowhere to be found. Just when they were about to give up, the yardarm started to glow, and the prince realized that the crest was hidden inside it.

With the crest in hand, the prince set off back to his kingdom, and the villagers cheered as he disappeared into the horizon. And so, the blacksmith, Buster, became known as the one who helped save a kingdom from famine. The end.


  1. Why did the prince come to the village?
  2. What was the immigrant searching for?
  3. What was the blacksmith's name?
  4. What did the prince find in the yardarm?
  5. How did the prince save his kingdom from famine?

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