The Oasis Adventure of the Nomadic Animals

Once upon a time, there was a group of nomadic animals who lived on a vast plateau. They were always in search of resources and an oasis to quench their thirst. One day, they stumbled upon a lush and fertile area filled with vegetation and an abundance of water from precipitation. The animals were overjoyed and decided to make this their permanent home. However, they soon realized that the oasis was not just a resource for them, but also for other creatures! The animals had to come up with a creative solution to share the resources and live in harmony. The end.


  1. What kind of animals were in the story?
  2. Why were the animals always searching for an oasis?
  3. What happened when they found the oasis on the plateau?
  4. How did the animals learn to share the resources in the oasis?
  5. What would you have done if you were one of the animals in the story?

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