The Brave Microbe and the Mutated Germs

Once upon a time, in a tiny village, there lived a group of microbes who lived carefree and loved to play. One day, a new microbe named Germy arrived with strange powers. He had mutated from the normal strain and could control all germs! The other microbes were scared and didn't know what to do. But then, a brave little microbe named Antibody stepped forward. Antibody had heard about a special genetic material that could defeat Germy. So, Antibody set out on a quest to find the material. After facing many challenges, Antibody finally found the material and used it to defeat Germy. The other microbes were amazed and grateful and they all lived happily ever after, playing and having fun without fear of germs. The end.


  1. What was Germy's special power?
  2. Why were the other microbes afraid of Germy?
  3. What did Antibody do to defeat Germy?
  4. Why was Antibody brave?
  5. How did the other microbes feel after Germy was defeated?

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