The Embalmer's Resin and the Sacred Amulet

Once upon a time in ancient Egypt, there was a sacred amulet that was believed to bring good luck and protect its owner in the afterlife. But one day, the amulet went missing! The embalmer, who was in charge of mummifying the Pharaohs and preserving their bodies, was accused of stealing it. The embalmer was arrested and taken to court, where the judge asked him to explain what happened to the amulet.

The embalmer replied, "I did not steal the amulet. It was lost during the incision process when I was preparing the Pharaoh's body for mummification." The judge was skeptical and asked for proof. The embalmer then pulled out a vial of resin and said, "I used this resin to preserve the hieroglyphs on the Pharaoh's tomb. But I also used it to preserve the amulet so that it would not decompose."

The judge was amazed and decided to test the embalmer's claim by having the amulet cremated. To everyone's surprise, the amulet remained intact, and the hieroglyphs were still legible. The embalmer was set free and became famous for his innovative use of resin in the mummification process. From that day forward, the amulet was considered even more sacred and was treasured by the people of Egypt.

The end.


  1. Why was the embalmer accused of stealing the amulet?
  2. How did the embalmer prove he didn't steal the amulet?
  3. What was the significance of the amulet in ancient Egypt?
  4. Why was the embalmer considered innovative?
  5. What happened to the amulet after it was tested?

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