The Out-of-This-World Archaeological Reunion

Once upon a time, there was a group of international archaeologists who had a reunion. They were all excited to see each other and catch up on their latest discoveries. However, one day they found out that they would have a competitor joining them: an archaeologist from outer space!

The day of the reunion arrived, and the procession of archaeologists started. Suddenly, a spaceship descended from the sky, and out came the alien archaeologist. Everyone was shocked, and a big controversy arose.

The archaeologists argued about whether the alien should be allowed to participate in the ceremony, but eventually they decided to give him a chance. The alien archaeologist went on to win the competition, much to everyone's surprise.

The reunion ended with laughter and new friendships, and the archaeologists learned that it doesn't matter where someone comes from, as long as they have a passion for archaeology. The end.


  1. Why did the archaeologists have a reunion?
  2. What was the reaction when the alien archaeologist arrived?
  3. Why did the archaeologists eventually let the alien participate in the ceremony?
  4. How do you think the alien archaeologist won the competition?
  5. Do you think it's important to be friends with people from different places?

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