The Spectator's Spectacular Steeplechase: A Steroid-Powered Horse Saves the Sacred Site of the City-State from a Terrorist Threat

Once upon a time, there was a city-state where everything was peaceful and all the citizens were happy. But one day, a terrorist came to the city-state and threatened to destroy their sacred site unless they gave him a large sum of money. The citizens were scared and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a superhero appeared and offered to help them. This superhero was a horse who had been injected with steroids, which made him incredibly strong. He challenged the terrorist to a steeplechase race around the city-state. If he won, the terrorist would leave the city-state and never come back. The race was spectacular, with the horse jumping over buildings, rivers, and mountains. In the end, the horse won the race and the terrorist was forced to sign a truce. As a reward for his bravery, the horse was given a lifetime supply of carrots and was allowed to use the city's sauna for free. The end.


  1. What made the horse a superhero?
  2. Who threatened to destroy the sacred site and why?
  3. How did the horse defeat the terrorist?
  4. What was the reward for the horse's bravery?
  5. Why do you think the city-state was peaceful before the terrorist came?

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