The Monkey's Monument Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little town where every year they held a big event to showcase the entire town's artifacts. The event was organized by a very serious institution that was in charge of preserving all the town's history and heritage.
One day, a mischievous monkey snuck into the event and stole one of the most important artifacts, a monument that symbolized the town's diversity. The monkey took the monument to the top of a nearby tree and wouldn't give it back.
The town's people tried everything they could think of to get the monkey to return the monument, but nothing worked. That was until a little girl suggested they hold a dance party for the monkey.
The entire town came together to put on a show, and the monkey was so entertained, he forgot all about the artifact and jumped down to join in the fun.
From that day forward, the town had a new tradition of ending every event with a dance party, and the monkey became a beloved member of their community.

The end.


1) Why did the monkey steal the monument?
2) How did the town try to get the monument back?
3) What was the little girl's solution to getting the monument back?
4) What happened at the end of the event?
5) How did the monkey become a beloved member of the town?

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