The Geologist's Adventure in the Tundra

Once upon a time, there was a geologist named Sam who lived in the tundra. He loved exploring and discovering new things about the earth. One day, he stumbled upon a group of endangered animals that were threatened by the lack of fuel efficient migration routes. Sam knew that this was a crisis and he had to do something about it. He estimated that if they didn't act fast, the animals would become extinct. So, he came up with a plan to preserve the animals by giving them independence. Sam created a special fuel-efficient migration route, which allowed the animals to move freely without relying on anyone else. And so, the animals lived happily ever after and the tundra was preserved for generations to come. The end.


  • What was the problem in the tundra that Sam the geologist needed to solve?
  • How did Sam help the endangered animals in the tundra?
  • What was the solution Sam came up with to save the animals from becoming extinct?
  • How do you think the animals felt after they got their independence?
  • Why is it important to preserve the tundra for future generations?

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