The Mosque That Became a Giant Watering Can

Once upon a time in the desert, there was a small delta surrounded by tall dunes. The delta was home to a peaceful community, who followed the religion of Islam. They built a beautiful mosque, where they would gather to pray and discuss the latest news. The mosque was also near an oasis, which provided them with fresh water for irrigation.

One day, the empire that ruled over the land announced that they were starting a new dynasty and were searching for a new leader. The people of the delta decided to nominate the wisest man in their community, who was known for his wit and humor.

The man appeared before the emperor and the other leaders, and he had a plan. He told them that he could turn the delta into the most prosperous and green place in the empire, by using the water from the oasis to irrigate the fields and grow crops. The emperor was impressed and asked how he would do this.

The man replied with a twinkle in his eye, "By turning the mosque into a giant watering can!" The emperor and the other leaders burst out laughing and immediately appointed the man as the leader of the delta.

And so, the man turned the mosque into a giant watering can, and the delta became the most prosperous and green place in the empire. The man was loved by all, and his dynasty was remembered for generations to come as the one that brought laughter and prosperity to the delta.

The end.


  1. Why did the man turn the mosque into a giant watering can?
  2. How did the man become leader of the delta?
  3. What was the result of turning the mosque into a giant watering can?
  4. Why did the other leaders laugh when the man presented his plan?
  5. What is the main message or lesson from the story?

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