The Little Bacteria that Saved the Ecosystem

Once upon a time in a far-off land, there lived many different species of animals. Some were carnivores, who only ate meat, and others were herbivores, who only ate plants.

One day, a terrible drought struck the land, causing all the plants to dry up and die. The herbivores were in big trouble because they had no food to eat. The carnivores, however, were not affected as much, as they could still find other animals to eat.

The herbivores were getting weaker and weaker and were on the brink of extinction. But just when all hope seemed lost, a small group of bacteria arrived. These special bacteria had the power to turn the dry, dead plants into nutrients, which the herbivores could eat.

The herbivores were overjoyed and soon regained their strength. The carnivores also benefited from the new food source as the herbivores became their prey.

The ecosystem was in balance again, thanks to the tiny but mighty bacteria. From that day on, the bacteria were honored and respected by all the animals, for they had saved them from certain doom.

The end.


  1. What do you think would happen if the drought continued and the bacteria never arrived?
  2. Why do you think the herbivores were weaker than the carnivores during the drought?
  3. Can you think of other examples where small things have a big impact on the environment?

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