Flit's Forest Quarantine Adventure

Once upon a time there was an indigenous bird named Flit who lived in the forest. Flit loved to forage for food and was always on the lookout for something new to eat. However, one day a quarantine was declared in the forest due to an exotic bird spreading a strange illness.

Flit was devastated because he couldn't leave the forest to find food. But, then a kind veterinarian named Dr. Chirp came to help. Dr. Chirp tried to coax Flit into eating some special food he brought, but Flit was too picky.

Just then, an ambassador bird named Feather arrived from a far-off land with a colleague, a fledgling ornithologist named Peck. Peck had a special incubator that could grow different kinds of food.

The three of them worked together to grow Flit's favorite foods in the incubator. And soon enough, Flit was happy, healthy and well-fed! The end.


  1. What was Flit's favorite food?
  2. Why was the forest put under quarantine?
  3. Who helped Flit during the quarantine?
  4. What was Peck's special tool to help Flit?
  5. How did Flit feel at the end of the story?

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