The Brave Sacrifice: A Chaos-Busting, Hijack-Stopping Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who lived in a compound. They were playing and having a great time until they heard a chaos outside. They ran to see what was happening and saw that their memorial park was being hijacked by some bad guys. The friends wanted to stop them but were too scared. Suddenly, one brave friend had a great idea. She said "let's use the debris from the park to make a sacrifice to the memorial". The friends agreed and started gathering debris. They made a big pile and the brave friend climbed on top of it, pretending to be the statue in the park. The bad guys were so confused when they saw the pile of debris move, they ran away! The friends saved the day and had a good laugh about their silly but effective plan. The end.


  1. What was the chaos the friends heard outside?
  2. Why were the friends scared to stop the hijackers?
  3. How did the friends use the debris to stop the hijackers?
  4. Why did the hijackers run away?
  5. Why was the plan silly but effective?

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