The Talon Tickle Team-Up

Once upon a time, in a far-off ecosystem, there lived a group of raptors with sharp talons. They lived together in harmony, hunting for their food and adapting to the current conditions of their environment. However, one day, a vulture came along and started eating all the food that the raptors had hunted for. The raptors tried to adapt by hunting more often, but the vulture still ate all their food. Finally, the raptors had an idea! They teamed up and used their sharp talons to tickle the vulture until he could not eat anymore. From then on, the raptors and vulture lived together in peace and shared their food.


-What did the vulture do that caused problems for the raptors?
-How did the raptors solve the problem with the vulture?
-Why do you think the raptors decided to work together with the vulture instead of fighting?
-What would you have done if you were one of the raptors in the story?

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