Ellie the Elephant's Green Thumb Adventure

Once upon a time, there was an oversized elephant named Ellie who lived in an ivory tower. Ellie had the ability to manipulate objects with her trunk, but she often used her intelligence for practical jokes.
One day, she discovered the secret to entwining plants and making a cozy habitat for herself. However, as a herbivore, Ellie was always on the lookout for new plants to adapt to her taste buds.
One day, she met a group of elephants led by a wise matriarch, who were migrating to find greener pastures. They offered to teach Ellie about allomothering, where one mother helps raise another's baby.
Ellie was so excited that she forgot all about her pranks and devoted herself to learning the ways of allomothering. She even taught them how to entwine plants to make their habitat more comfortable.
From that day on, Ellie became known as the elephant with the green thumb, always bringing life to the herd's habitats. The end.


  1. Why did Ellie live in an ivory tower?
  2. How did Ellie manipulate objects?
  3. What did Ellie learn about allomothering?
  4. How did Ellie become known for her green thumb?
  5. What was the wise matriarch's role in the story?

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