The Cheaterino's Shortcut to Fame

Once upon a time, there was a little cheater named Cheaterino. He lived in a village where everyone loved to compete in various sports and games. Cheaterino, despite his stunted stature, had an insatiable desire to win at all costs. One day, he discovered a magic potion that promised to give him unlimited stamina and strength. Excited to improve his reputation, he drank the potion but soon realized that it was actually a mixture of steroids. As he continued to cheat his way through competitions, his body started to change and he began to go through puberty at an alarming rate. It wasn't long before everyone in the village knew about his cheating ways and his reputation was ruined. The moral of the story is: Cheating may bring temporary success, but it never pays off in the end.


  1. Why did Cheaterino take the magic potion?
  2. How did the magic potion affect Cheaterino's body?
  3. What happened to Cheaterino's reputation after he was caught cheating?
  4. What is the moral of the story?
  5. What would you have done in Cheaterino's place?

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