Once upon a time, there was a little robot named Robo who lived in a big city. Robo had a big problem. His network wasn't working properly, and he couldn't catch a good signal. He went to the doctor to see what was wrong with him. The doctor said that his cerebrum and cerebellum were not working together to interpret the signals coming from the brain stem. So, he sent Robo to the smartest scientist in town to decipher what was happening.
The scientist did some tests and found out that Robo's brain stem was sending signals that were too complicated for his cerebrum and cerebellum to understand. So, the scientist decided to simplify the signals. As soon as he did this, Robo's network started working perfectly and he could catch a good signal.
From that day on, Robo was the happiest robot in the city. People would ask him how he managed to fix his network, and he would tell them the story of the smart scientist who helped him decipher the signals from his brain stem. And everyone would laugh and say, "Robo, you're one smart robot!"
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