The King's Extravagant Disintegration

Once upon a time, there was a king who loved extravagance. He lived in a castle full of intricacies and spent most of his days coming up with new subterfuges to impress his subjects.

One day, the king was feeling particularly unperturbed, so he decided to create the world's largest ice cream sundae. The sundae was so big that it took a whole team of chefs to make it, but they finally finished and placed it in the castle's courtyard for all to admire.

However, just as the king was about to take his first bite, the sundae suddenly began to disintegrate and congeal into a sticky mess. The king was so surprised that he fell back and landed on his behind.

The subjects, who had gathered to watch their king enjoy his extravagant creation, erupted into laughter. The king, who was usually quite serious, couldn't help but laugh along with them. From that day on, the king realized that sometimes, the best things in life are not always the most elaborate or complex.


  1. What was the king's favorite thing to do?
  2. What did the king decide to make for his subjects?
  3. What happened to the king's sundae?
  4. How did the king react to the sundae disintegrating?
  5. What did the king learn from the experience with the sundae?

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