The Humble Farmer's Crusade to Succession

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a baron who took an oath to be fair and just. But one day, he became too power-hungry and started interdicting the kingdom with unreasonable laws. The citizens rebelled against him, starting a civil war.
The baron quickly realized that he needed a successor to help rule the kingdom, so he went on a Crusade to find someone worthy. After many trials and tests, he found a humble farmer with a great sense of humor.
The farmer agreed to become the baron's successor and together they ruled the kingdom with fairness, justice, and a lot of laughter. The end.


  1. What was the baron's oath?
  2. Why did the citizens rebel against the baron?
  3. What kind of person did the baron want as his successor?
  4. How did the farmer become the baron's successor?
  5. How did the baron and the farmer rule the kingdom together?

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