Nasump the Fowling Bird: The King of the Forest Kitchen

Once upon a time, there was a silly fowling bird named Nasump who loved to play with his musket. One day, he heard about a grand feast being held at the King's palace and decided to bring a gift. He gathered a quahog from the nearby shore, and a juicy pompion from the garden.

As he reached the palace, he was greeted by guards dressed in their finest finery, who asked him what he had brought for the feast. Nasump proudly showed off his offerings, but the guards burst out laughing and told him that the King only ate the finest doublets and sinews.

Feeling embarrassed, Nasump returned home, dejected. But as he sat by the hearth and thought about his failed attempt, he had an idea. He decided to cook his gifts into a delicious stew and invite all the birds in the forest over for a feast of their own.

The birds were amazed at the tasty stew, and they all said it was the best meal they had ever tasted. Nasump was filled with joy and pride, and from that day on, he was known as the greatest cook in all the land.

And so, the silly fowling bird became a hero, proving that even the smallest creatures can achieve great things when they use their imagination and creativity. The end.


  1. Why did Nasump bring a quahog and a pompion to the King's palace?
  2. How did the guards react when they saw Nasump's offerings?
  3. What did Nasump do after he was embarrassed by the guards?
  4. Why did the birds love Nasump's stew?
  5. What did Nasump prove with his feast?

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