Once upon a time there was a prestigious rabbit named Ralph who lived in a magical forest. Ralph had an amazing ability to hop incredibly high and far. But one day while he was hopping, he fell and broke his leg. This resulted in a mobility disability and he needed to go to rehabilitation to heal.
However, the rehabilitation center was all booked up, so the only way for Ralph to recover was to amputate his broken leg and get a prosthetic one.
At first, Ralph was worried about how he would adapt to his new prosthetic leg, but he soon discovered that it was not only adaptive, but it also had some hidden magic powers!
Now, Ralph could hop even higher and further than before, and he became famous for his amazing hopping skills. People from all over the forest came to see him perform at a prestigious venue.
And that's how Ralph went from disability to ability, and became the most famous hopping rabbit in the magical forest!
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