The Magic of Perspective: A Tale from Habitable-Billion

Once upon a time, there was a space clinic on a planet called Habitable-Billion, where every sapling that was brought in for treatment, would grow into a giant tree with just one breakthrough technology- a perspective machine. One day, a small sapling named Sprout was brought in because it wouldn't grow. The clinic's best doctor, Dr. Tech, tried every technology she could think of, but nothing worked. That is until she remembered the perspective machine. She put Sprout under the machine and set it to kid's perspective mode. Suddenly Sprout started growing at an incredible rate! It grew so big, it broke through the roof of the clinic! From then on, every time a sapling came to the clinic feeling small and unimportant, Dr. Tech would put it under the perspective machine and watch as it grew into a beautiful, strong tree. The end.


  1. Why was Sprout brought to the clinic?
  2. What was the breakthrough technology used in the clinic?
  3. How did the perspective machine help Sprout grow?
  4. Can you think of other ways the perspective machine could be used to help plants or animals grow?

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