The Little Fluker: A Tale of Buoyancy, Gestation, and Krill

Once upon a time, in the deep blue sea, there lived a little crustacean named Krilly. Krilly was always fascinated by the big creatures of the sea like whales and dolphins who swam gracefully using the power of buoyancy.

One day, Krilly decided to join a school of whales on their migration. During the journey, Krilly learned that whales use sonar to locate food and communicate with each other. Krilly was amazed to learn that whales feed on tiny creatures like krill and plankton using their baleen, which acts as a filter.

However, Krilly soon realized that he was not cut out for this life as he kept sinking instead of floating. He was ready to give up until he met a friendly whale who told him about the magic of gestation. The whale explained that during gestation, a fluke (tail) forms, which helps cetaceans swim with frequency and control.

Krilly was determined to try this for himself and began practicing his fluke movements. To everyone's surprise, Krilly's fluke grew larger and he was finally able to swim with ease. The other whales cheered as Krilly joined them in their feast of krill and plankton.

From that day on, Krilly was known as the "little fluker" and was welcomed into the whale community with open fins. And they lived happily ever after, swimming the seas and feasting on the bounty of the ocean.


  1. Why did Krilly want to join the school of whales?
  2. How did the whale explain the magic of gestation to Krilly?
  3. What did Krilly learn about the feeding habits of whales?
  4. How did Krilly develop a fluke?
  5. What was Krilly known as in the whale community?

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