The Drought-Proof Ecosystem

Here's a story:

Once upon a time in a vast ecosystem, there lived many species of mammals. Herbivores like deer, rabbits and squirrels used to graze on the lush green grass. But one day, a severe drought hit the land. The plants withered and the herbivores were struggling to find enough nutrients to survive.

Just then, a clever rodent named Ratty had an idea. He suggested that all the mammals come together and form a community to help each other. Carnivores like lions, wolves and hyenas agreed to hunt for food for the whole group. In return, the herbivores would share the plants they found.

As they started working together, they discovered that their interactions with each other were having a positive effect on the ecosystem. Bacteria in the soil started to flourish, providing even more nutrients for the plants to grow. The animals continued to live together happily and harmoniously, sharing food and resources.

And that's how the animals of the ecosystem learned that working together can bring about positive change, even during tough times like a drought. The end.


-What did the herbivores and carnivores do to help each other during the drought?
-What was the impact of their interactions on the ecosystem?
-What did Ratty suggest that helped improve the situation for all the animals?
-Why is it important for different species to work together?

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