The Brave Friar Fortune and the Benevolent Sovereign King

Once upon a time, there was a friar named Friar Fortune who lived in a small kingdom ruled by a sovereign king. The king was known for his fortitude and bravery, but he was also corrupt. He hoarded all the bounties of the kingdom for himself, leaving his subjects hungry and poor.

One day, Friar Fortune had a conviction that he must do something to help the people of the kingdom. So he decided to sneak into the king's castle and steal back some of the bounties for the people.

The friar was very brazen, and he managed to get into the castle undetected. He filled his bag with as much food as he could carry and was making his way back out when he was caught by the king's guards.

The king was furious, but Friar Fortune stood firm in his conviction, declaring that the people needed the bounty more than the king did. The king was so taken aback by the friar's bravery that he let him go, and even gave him a refuge in the kingdom.

And so, Friar Fortune became known as the greatest hero in the land, and the king realized that it was more important to be honest and fair than to be corrupt and greedy.

The End.


  1. What was Friar Fortune's conviction?
  2. Why did the king let Friar Fortune go after he was caught stealing the bounty?
  3. What did the king learn from his encounter with Friar Fortune?
  4. Do you think the king's actions were fair or not fair before he met Friar Fortune? Why?
  5. What do you think is the most important lesson from this story?

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