The Legacy of Kindness in the Ghetto

Once upon a time, there was a dictator who ruled over a ghetto. He was very mean and made life difficult for the people who lived there. However, one day, a group of humanitarian workers came to the ghetto to help the people. They brought food, medicine, and toys for the children. The dictator became angry and ordered his soldiers to disarm the humanitarian workers. But the workers had a secret weapon – their kindness!

The people of the ghetto were inspired by the humanitarian workers and decided to emigrate to a better place where they could live in peace. As they left the ghetto, they whispered amongst themselves about the legacy they wanted to leave behind. They wanted to be remembered as kind and caring people who helped others in need.

The dictator became worried and began to speculate that the people might one day return and overthrow him. So, he decided to follow the refugees to their new refuge. When he arrived, he saw how happy and peaceful the people were, and he realized that kindness was a much greater weapon than any gun.

In the end, the dictator disarmed himself and joined the refugees, helping them build a new and better community. And so, the legacy of the kind and caring people of the ghetto lived on!


  1. What did the humanitarian workers bring to the ghetto?
  2. Why did the dictator become angry with the workers?
  3. Why did the people of the ghetto emigrate?
  4. What was the legacy the people wanted to leave behind?
  5. Did the dictator change his ways in the end? Why or why not?
  6. Do you think kindness is a powerful weapon? Why or why not?

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