The Engineer Who Changed the Taliban's Minds

Here's a story:
Once upon a time, there was a brilliant engineer named Billy who loved to study physics and economics. He had a dream of getting his diploma in both subjects. One day, he was invited to join a committee to build a foundation for a new school. But there was a controversy, as the Taliban were against education.

Billy had an idea! He decided to use his knowledge of physiology to make the Taliban see the importance of education. He showed them that the human brain needs stimulation from subjects like physics and economics to function properly. The Taliban were so impressed with Billy's knowledge of the human body that they agreed to help build the school.

And so, with the help of the Taliban, Billy built the most amazing school with a curriculum that combined physics, economics, and physiology. Children from all over the world came to attend the school and learn about the wonders of the human body and the universe. And Billy finally received his diploma in physics and economics, becoming the most well-rounded engineer in the world. The end.


  1. Why was Billy invited to join the committee?
  2. What was the controversy about and who was against education?
  3. How did Billy convince the Taliban to support education?
  4. What subjects were taught at the school that Billy built?
  5. Why is it important to learn about physics, economics, and physiology?

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