The Archaeologist's Daring Procession

Once upon a time, there was an archaeologist named Dr. Dig who loved to participate in processions. One day, he joined a procession that was symbolic of the search for ancient artifacts. However, there was controversy because some competitors accused Dr. Dig of using steroids to qualify for the procession faster.

Dr. Dig was shocked and denied the accusations, but the rumors continued to spread. Then, a group of Nazis showed up at the procession and demanded that Dr. Dig prove he wasn't cheating by taking a steroid test.

Dr. Dig passed the test with flying colors, and the Nazis apologized for their behavior. From that day on, Dr. Dig's motto became, "Artifacts don't come from steroids, they come from hard work and determination." And he continued to participate in processions and win them fair and square. The end.


  1. Why did the Nazis show up at the procession?
  2. What was Dr. Dig's motto after passing the steroid test?
  3. What lesson did Dr. Dig teach the competitors and the Nazis?
  4. What does the story teach us about determination and hard work?

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