Cinders the Brave and the Dormant Volcano's Surprise

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a mischievous little dragon named Cinders. Cinders loved to play and explore, and one day she stumbled upon a strange land filled with geysers and geothermal activity.
As she explored, she noticed that the ground was trembling and a surge cloud was forming above her. Suddenly, a dormant volcano began to stir! Cinders watched in amazement as magma started to bubble and boil, and a massive geyser shot up from the crater.
The tectonic plates shifted and the top of the volcano collapsed, forming a huge caldera and raining down debris all around Cinders. But she wasn't afraid - in fact, she was thrilled! She danced and twirled in the rain of ash, having the time of her life.
And so, Cinders learned that even the most dangerous things can be fun and exciting when approached with curiosity and bravery. The end.


  1. Why do you think Cinders wasn't afraid of the eruption?
  2. What did Cinders learn from her experience at the volcano?
  3. Can you think of a time when you approached a scary situation with bravery?
  4. What does the word "dormant" mean?
  5. What is a caldera?

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