The Venomous Snake and the Intimidating Tiger: A Symbiotic Story

Once upon a time, deep in the jungle, there lived a venomous snake named Sammy. Sammy was feared by all the animals in the jungle because of his dangerous venom. But, little did they know, Sammy had a symbiotic relationship with a small bird named Bella. Bella would distribute Sammy's venom on her feathers and use it to protect herself and her eggs from predators.

One day, a new animal moved into the jungle. He was an intimidating tiger who was known to be fierce and dangerous. The other animals were afraid of him and warned Sammy to stay away from him. But, Bella knew that the tiger would be the perfect partner for her and Sammy's symbiotic relationship.

She flew up to the tiger and explained the benefits of having Sammy's venom on his side. The tiger was intrigued and agreed to the partnership. Together, they roamed the jungle, protecting each other and spreading the word of their symbiotic relationship to other animals.

The other animals soon realized that Sammy was not as scary as they had thought and they learned to accept him into their community. The jungle became a safer place for all the animals thanks to Sammy, Bella, and the intimidating tiger.

From that day on, Sammy's venom was no longer something to be feared, but something to be appreciated for its ability to protect and distribute safety throughout the jungle.


  1. Why were the animals in the jungle afraid of Sammy the snake?
  2. How did Bella the bird help change the other animals' perception of Sammy?
  3. How did the symbiotic relationship between Sammy, Bella, and the tiger benefit the other animals in the jungle?

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