The Silly Adventure of Wiggles and His Mixed-Up Parts

Here's a story for you:

Once upon a time, there was a little creature named Wiggles. Wiggles had a very long nose, big shoulders, long legs with knobbly knees, bright eyes, a round head, wiggly toes, perky ears and a big wide mouth.

One day, Wiggles woke up to find that all of his body parts were mixed up! His nose was on his head, his shoulders were on his knees, his eyes were on his toes, his head was on his ears, and his mouth was on his shoulder.

Wiggles was very confused and didn't know what to do. But then he realized that he could still walk, talk and even dance with his mixed up parts. So, he started to have fun with his new look.

Everyone who saw Wiggles couldn't help but laugh and smile, because he was so silly and happy. And from that day on, Wiggles never looked back and always danced with his mixed up parts, spreading joy wherever he went.

The end.


  1. What body parts did Wiggles have?
  2. How did Wiggles feel when he woke up with mixed-up body parts?
  3. How did Wiggles react to his new look?
  4. Why did everyone who saw Wiggles smile and laugh?
  5. What did Wiggles learn from his adventure?

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