The Interdependent Flowers of the Meadow

Once upon a time in a beautiful meadow, there lived many different types of flowers. Each flower had its own unique way of living and surviving in the meadow.

One day, a tiny pollen particle floated through the air and landed on the petals of a flower. This pollen was special because it helped fertilize the flower and make it grow strong and healthy.

But as the flower grew, it attracted a dangerous parasite. This parasite would suck the life out of the flower and make it weak. The flower soon realized that it needed help to protect itself.

It called out to the other flowers in the meadow and together they formed a group of different species of flowers. They all worked together and became interdependent on one another. They shared their resources and protected each other from the dangerous parasites.

The flowers also noticed that some of their friends were more vulnerable to the parasites, so they created a special refuge for them. They surrounded the vulnerable flowers with stronger flowers that would protect them from the parasites.

And when the parasites would try to suck the life out of the flowers, the flowers would release their special mucus, which would protect them from the parasites.

The flowers lived happily ever after, protected and safe in their meadow. They learned that by working together, they could overcome any obstacle.


  1. What did the pollen particle do to the flower it landed on?
  2. What was the problem the flower faced and how did it solve it?
  3. How did the flowers in the meadow work together to protect each other?
  4. What did the flowers learn from their experience in the meadow?

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