Timmy and Claire's Cloud Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a tree named Timmy. Timmy loved to play in the puddles on a rainy day. One day, while playing in the puddles, he noticed the clouds were shaped like flowers. Timmy got an idea - he would climb up to the clouds and pick some of the flower-shaped clouds for his friends, the other trees.

So Timmy started climbing up to the clouds, but every time he tried to grab a cloud, it would slip through his branches. Just then, a friendly cloud named Claire offered to help. Together, they managed to pick all the flower-shaped clouds and bring them down to the trees.

The other trees were so happy with the beautiful clouds that they danced and sang all day long. And Timmy and Claire became the best of friends, always finding new and creative ways to bring joy to their forest friends.

The End.


  1. Why did Timmy want to pick the flower-shaped clouds?
  2. How did Timmy and Claire work together to bring the clouds down to the trees?
  3. What did the other trees do when they got the clouds?
  4. Do you think Timmy and Claire will go on more adventures together? Why or why not?

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