Mittens's Misadventurous Morning Routine

Once upon a time, there was a lazy cat named Mittens who never followed his daily routine. One day, Mittens's mother asked him to eat dinner, get up, do homework, comb his hair, get dressed, eat breakfast, watch TV, talk on the phone, take a bath, brush his teeth, and wash his face. So, Mittens decided to be a good cat and follow his mother's instructions.

At dinner, Mittens ate so much that he fell asleep at the table. When he woke up, he realized that he had slept through the night and missed all the other things on his to-do list!

The next morning, Mittens tried to catch up on everything he missed. He quickly got dressed and rushed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. But, instead of cereal, he found a bowl of soap and started to eat it! He then went to brush his teeth but used his mother's lipstick instead of toothpaste.

Mittens then tried to watch TV, but he accidentally sat on the remote and broke it. And when he tried to talk on the phone, he dialed the wrong number and ended up talking to a bird who didn't speak the same language as him.

Finally, Mittens decided to take a bath, but he jumped into the washing machine instead! After a quick spin, he emerged clean and fresh, but also very dizzy.

Mittens learned that following a daily routine is important for staying healthy and organized. From then on, he made sure to do things in the right order and have lots of fun along the way.

The end.


  • What did Mittens's mother ask him to do?
  • What happened when Mittens tried to eat breakfast?
  • Why was Mittens dizzy after taking a bath?
  • What did Mittens learn from his misadventures?

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