The Forest Friends' Adventure Party

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends: a cat who loved swimming, a dog who loved drawing, a bird who loved singing, a rabbit who loved walking, a hare who loved running, a bear who loved sleeping, and a squirrel who loved dancing. They all lived in the same forest and loved to play together. One day, they decided to have a big party and show off their favorite activities. The cat jumped into the pond and started swimming, the dog drew a beautiful picture, the bird sang a lovely song, the rabbit walked gracefully, the hare ran fast, the bear took a nap, and the squirrel danced. It was the most fun they ever had! They danced, sang, swam, drew, and played until they were too tired to do anything else. They all cuddled up together and went to sleep, dreaming of their next adventure in the forest. The end.


  1. Who were the friends in the story?
  2. What were their favorite activities?
  3. Where did they live and have their party?
  4. What did each friend do during the party?
  5. How did they feel at the end of the party?

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