The Adventure Squad's Mountain Misadventure

Once upon a time, there were 7 friends - a tour guide, movie star, architect, mountain climber, truck driver, engineer, and delivery person. They all wanted to prove that they were the most adventurous. They decided to have a contest and climb a mountain. The movie star wanted to take a break and watch a movie but the others wouldn’t let him. So, the truck driver drove them all to the mountain, the tour guide showed them the way, the architect designed their equipment, the engineer made it, and the delivery person delivered it. When they finally made it to the top, the mountain climber celebrated by doing a dance. The others laughed so hard that they slipped and slid down the mountain and landed in a pile at the bottom. The end.


  1. Who drove the friends to the mountain?
  2. What did the architect do?
  3. Who celebrated at the top of the mountain?
  4. How did the friends end up at the bottom of the mountain?
  5. What do you think would have happened if the movie star got his way and watched a movie instead?

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