The Fun-Filled Weekend Adventure of Tim, Rob, Jess and Mia

Once upon a time, there were 4 friends named Tim, Rob, Jess and Mia. They loved to do different activities together on weekends. One day they decided to have a fun day with all the activities they love.

Tim loves to watch DVDs, so he brought his favorite collection. Rob loves to play Badminton, so he brought his set. Jess loves to play soccer, so she brought her ball. And Mia loves to send messages to her friends, so she brought her phone.

After playing games for a while, they got hungry and went to have lunch. They ate lots of yummy food and when they were done, Mia suggested that they should wash the dishes together. Tim didn't like the idea but the others convinced him to help.

After washing the dishes, they all sat down to relax. Tim wanted to surf the Internet, Rob wanted to collect baseball cards, Jess wanted to clear the table, and Mia wanted to send more messages to her friends.

They all got busy with their own activities and suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was Tim who had accidentally knocked over all his baseball cards while surfing the internet.

Everyone burst into laughter, and Tim realized that it's more fun to do things together. From that day on, they made sure to always do things together and have lots of fun.

The End.


  1. Who are the four friends in the story?
  2. What are their favorite activities?
  3. Why did they wash the dishes together?
  4. What happened while Tim was surfing the Internet?
  5. What did Tim learn at the end of the story?

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