Juan and Maria's Artistic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a chef named Juan who could walk quickly and cook the most delicious meals. One day, he decided to bake a cake for his friend's birthday party. He walked quickly to the bakery to get the ingredients, but once he got there, he realized he forgot his guitar. So, he walked slowly back home to get it and then walked quickly back to the bakery.

While baking the cake, Juan started to speak loudly about how excited he was for the party. Suddenly, a unicyclist named Maria rode by and heard Juan's loud voice. She stopped to see what all the noise was about and she and Juan struck up a conversation.

Maria asked if Juan could play the guitar and he said yes, so they both started playing and singing together. But then, they remembered they were in a quiet neighborhood, so they started to speak quietly and sing softly.

As they finished the cake, they started to dance gracefully to their own music. Juan was amazed at how well Maria rode her unicycle while dancing. Then, they decided to paint a beautiful picture to hang at the party. They worked together, using their different talents to paint beautifully.

The picture was a masterpiece, and everyone at the party was amazed. They all cheered and clapped for Juan and Maria. From that day on, when Juan and Maria wanted to have fun, they would get together, play music, dance, paint, and speak English in the most creative and funny way possible. The end.


  1. What did Juan forget when he walked quickly to the bakery?
  2. How did Juan and Maria meet?
  3. What did Juan and Maria do together at the party?
  4. Was the picture they painted a success?
  5. Who was everyone amazed by at the party?
  6. What did Juan and Maria like to do together after that day?

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