Mittens' Magic Chores Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a lazy cat named Mittens. Every day, his owner would give him a long list of chores to do: wash the dishes, mop the floor, make the bed, set the table, clean my desk, set the alarm, go fishing, dust the furniture, do the laundry, wash the car, and do homework. But all Mittens wanted to do was take a nap!

One day, Mittens had an idea. He decided to use his magic powers to make all of his chores disappear! With a flick of his paw, he made the dishes, floor, bed, table, desk, alarm, fishing gear, furniture, laundry, car, and homework all disappear into thin air.

But Mittens soon realized that without his chores, he had nothing to do all day! He was bored and lonely. So, he used his magic powers once again to bring back all of his tasks.

This time, Mittens approached his chores with a new attitude. He had fun washing the dishes and making the bed, and even found joy in mopping the floor and dusting the furniture. And when it was time to do homework, Mittens didn't mind at all because he knew it would help him become smarter.

From then on, Mittens never complained about his chores again. Instead, he looked forward to them each day and even made up silly songs to sing while he worked.

Moral of the story: Chores may seem boring at first, but they can actually be fun when approached with a positive attitude.


  1. What did Mittens do with his chores at first?
  2. How did Mittens feel about his chores before and after using his magic powers?
  3. What lesson did Mittens learn about chores?
  4. What would you do if you had magic powers to help you with your chores?
  5. Do you think it's important to have a positive attitude towards chores? Why or why not?

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