Title: "The Rainbow's Masked Melody

Story: Once upon a time, there was a rainbow who loved to sing beautiful songs. One day, the rainbow put on a mask to hide its true identity and went to the city to join a music competition. The noise from the city was overwhelming, but the rainbow's voice was so wonderful that it stood out from all the rest. The judges were amazed by the rainbow's voice, but when the mask was removed, they were shocked to see an ugly face. However, the rainbow explained that beauty is not just about looks, but also about what's inside. The judges realized their mistake and declared the rainbow the winner of the competition. From that day forward, the rainbow was known as the most beautiful singer in the land, and it spread joy and happiness wherever it went with its wonderful voice and music. The end.


  1. Why did the rainbow wear a mask to the music competition?
  2. What did the judges think of the rainbow's appearance when they saw it without the mask?
  3. Why did the rainbow explain that beauty is not just about looks?
  4. How did the rainbow spread joy and happiness in the end?

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