Fiesta de las Amigos: A Culinary Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends from different countries: France, Mexico, Spanish, Italian, and Portugal. They all loved to cook and try new foods from their home countries. One day, they decided to have a cooking competition to see who could make the best dish.

The French friend made a traditional French dish with black beans, the Mexican friend made tacos, the Spanish friend made paella, the Italian friend made pasta, and the Portuguese friend made feijoada.

However, they soon realized they had a problem: they only had enough ingredients to make one dish! So, they decided to combine all of their ingredients and make a giant potluck dish.

They called it "Fiesta de las Amigos" and it was a mix of French, Mexican, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese flavors. The dish was so delicious that everyone wanted seconds, even the people of Italy and Brazil who heard about it!

From that day on, the friends cooked together every year, always adding a new twist to their "Fiesta de las Amigos" dish and having a great time together. The end.


  1. Which country did each friend represent in the story?
  2. What was the name of the dish they made together?
  3. Why did they combine their ingredients to make one dish?
  4. How did the people of Italy and Brazil react to the dish?
  5. What happened to the friends every year after their cooking competition?

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