The Mice, the Dice, the Rice and the Nice Price

Once upon a time, there were three mice named Mike, Spike and Ike. They lived in a small village and loved to play dice games. One day, they decided to visit the rice fields to see if they could find some delicious rice to eat. As they were exploring, they stumbled upon a big pile of ice. Mike said, "Wow, this looks nice!" But when they started to dig through the ice, they found that the rice was frozen solid. Spike said, "What are we going to do now? We can't eat this rice like this."

Just then, a kind fairy appeared and said, "I can help you with that. I have a special spell that will make the rice nice and warm." The mice were so grateful and asked the fairy how much it would cost. The fairy replied, "The price is one hug from each of you." The mice hugged the fairy and the spell was cast. The rice was now warm and delicious!

The mice feasted on the warm rice and had a great time playing with their dice. From that day on, they always remembered to be nice to others and to never judge a book by its cover. The end.


  1. What did the mice do when they found the frozen rice?
  2. Who helped the mice make the rice warm?
  3. What did the fairy ask in return for her help?
  4. What did the mice learn from this experience?
  5. What would you have done in the mice's place?

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