The Poke, Broke, Choke, Woke, Spoke, Yoke, Joke, and Awoke Adventure of Frank and Chuck

Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Frank who had a chicken named Chuck. One day, while they were working on the farm, Frank poked Chuck with a stick to get him moving. But alas! The stick broke and Chuck started to choke. Frank tried to save him, but Chuck wouldn't stop choking. Just then, Frank woke up and realized it was all a dream. He spoke to his wife about it and she told him that dreams can be silly sometimes. To lighten the mood, Frank told her a joke: "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!" They both laughed and went back to bed, where they soon fell asleep and awoke feeling refreshed. And that's the end of the story of Frank and Chuck and their poke, broke, choke, woke, spoke, yoke, joke, and awoke adventure!


  1. What did Frank do to Chuck in the dream?
  2. Why did Chuck start choking?
  3. How did Frank feel when he woke up from the dream?
  4. What did Frank's wife tell him about the dream?
  5. What was the joke Frank told his wife at the end of the story?

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